Farm Household Support Amendment Bill 2018

I rise to speak on the Farm Household Support Amendment Bill 2018. As the member for Eden-Monaro leaves, I'll say his was quite a thoughtful response until the last three minutes. It's a shame he wrecked it. This bill is in response to the tour that the Prime Minister, the agriculture minister, the Deputy Prime…


Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal

Mr COULTON (Parkes—The Nationals Chief Whip): I too rise today to speak on the Road Safety Remuneration Repeal Bill 2016 and the Road Safety Remuneration Amendment (Protecting Owner Drivers) Bill 2016. I will say that I do have some credentials to speak on this: I hold here my heavy vehicle driver's licence. It is a…


Drought Continues

 I would like to address the issue of drought. Many people will remember that the Prime Minister and the agriculture minister visited my electorate earlier in the year to look at the dire situation of drought in western New South Wales. I have got to say there has been some relief. Indeed, the day the…


Matter of Public Importance- Regional Australia

 It is always interesting, in a debate on regional Australia, to follow the member for Perth, which is one of those far-flung regional centres that was so disadvantaged by the last parliament that we had to spend about $14 million on their road to the airport. The member for Perth mentioned the freezing of the…


Australia’s Freight Rail Network- Question Without Notice

 My question is to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development. Will the Deputy Prime Minister outline what the government is doing to improve Australia’s freight rail network?   Mr TRUSS (Wide Bay–Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development) (14:22): I thank the honourable member for his question. I…


Men’s Shed Barbecue

 I would like to speak about something a little bit more pleasant! And that is about Men’s Sheds and the important role that Men’s Sheds play not only in my electorate but right across Australia. Next week I am pleased to be hosting a barbecue, along with my colleague the member for Fowler, Mr Chris…


Polio- $100 million commitment over 5 years

  I would like to thank the member for Fremantle for bringing this motion into the House and having such an important issue debated in this place. I would also like to acknowledge the fact that the Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, at the Rotary conference in Sydney a couple of weeks ago, committed Australia to another…


Mobile Phone Services

 I would like to speak tonight on mobile phone coverage and, in particular, mobile phone black spots. It has been a great frustration to me in the 6½ years I have been a member in this place that up until now there has not been one cent spent on mobile phone black spots. I can…
