Minerals Resource Rent Tax Bill

Mark Coulton (Parkes, National Party) I too rise tonight to speak on the minerals resource rent tax bills. If I might start with an observation, tonight we are not hearing from members of the government. Mr Ripoll interjecting– This is my 10c worth. Are they not sufficiently encouraged by the merit of this tax to…


Telecommunications- Blackspot at Goolma

  Telecommunications in 2011 should be seen as one of the basic tenets of life. It should be seen as something that is available to all Australians. Indeed a mobile phone is the first point of call for most people, and in many places people have done away with their landlines and are operating completely…


Regional Development Australia

This morning I rise to speak about an issue of grave concern to the people of regional Australia, in particular the people of my electorate-that is, the scandal that has been the Gillard government’s approach to funding regional Australia. Mr Deputy Speaker, you might remember just over 12 months ago, during the period of negotiation…


Adjournment Debate – 15th September Coal Seam Gas

  16:50 Tonight I rise to speak of an issue that is becoming increasingly concerning in my electorate. It is the conflict between the expanding coal seam gas industry and agriculture. The coal seam gas industry has been established in Queensland for quite some time, but it is relatively new in New South Wales and is…


Carbon Tax- Clean energy Legislation

While it is tempting to spend my time rebutting the member for Melbourne’s speech, I will try to resist. But I will say that in this House I have never heard so much emotional claptrap so removed from reality. The member for Melbourne thanked the people of Melbourne for putting him here for this momentous…


The impact of the carbon tax on the Australian economy

The topic of this afternoon’s matter of public importance is the adverse impact of the carbon tax on the Australian economy. I might just touch on the contributions we have heard from the government side. We heard the rant from the Minister for Trade, the flippant 15 minutes of diatribe that was completely unrelated to…


20th June – Live Exports

  Mr COULTON (Parkes-The Nationals Chief Whip) (19:01): I am pleased that the member for Wills spoke long enough to say something that I did agree with. What I do agree with is that the mistreatment of animals cannot be accepted at any price. What I cannot agree with is the way that this government has…


4th July – Wild Dog Motion

  Mr COULTON (Parkes-The Nationals Chief Whip) (20:32): I too rise this evening to speak on the motion of the member for Gippsland on the impact of wild dogs. I acknowledge his contribution and his genuine concern about this issue, and I also acknowledge the contribution of the member for Lyons and his long interest…
