Coulton’s Catch Up – National Farmer Rally; School Leavers’ Guide; Road survey extended; Uni hub opportunity

National Farmer Rally I joined thousands of farmers from across the country outside Parliament House last week for the National Farmer Rally. Our farmers have had a gutful of being constantly attacked by this Labor Government and they’re calling for a fair go to keep feeding and clothing the nation. The sensible changes farmers want…


Coulton’s Catch Up – Tourism to boom in Collarenebri; Fighting for farmers; Funding for isolated aged care providers; Grants available for innovative ideas

Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton and Nationals’ candidate for Parkes Jamie Chaffey met with Jobs Australia’s Tracey Reid at Allawah Cottage, a crisis accommodation for women, children and pets escaping domestic violence. Jobs Australia is seeking funding to build another cottage to meet increased demand. Tourism to boom in Collarenebri I was…


Coulton’s Catch Up – Catching up with local communities; National Flag Day; Disaster funding announced; EOIs open for suppliers of ag technology

Photo caption: Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton (right), and The Nationals Candidate for Parkes, Jamie Chaffey (left), at the Dunedoo mural honouring local Paralympian Jamieson Leeson. Catching up with local communities Last week it was great to spend some time on the road with The Nationals’ candidate for Parkes Jamie Chaffey. In Coolah, we had…


Coulton’s Catch Up – Opposition to Future Made in Australia Bill; Industrial relations reforms now in effect; Hurtful beef ‘joke’; Guidelines released for next round of regional funding

Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton spoke against the Future Made in Australia Bill in Parliament last week. Opposition to Future Made in Australia Bill Last week in Parliament I spoke against Labor’s Future Made in Australia Bill, which is all about investing in an economy powered by renewable energy. I’m becoming increasingly…



Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (13:51): Over the years, I’ve heard magnificent speeches in this place about decentralisation, regional development, lower carbon emissions, cheaper prices in our capital cities, better access to ports for farms and miners, lower use of fossil fuel, jobs for Aboriginal people, a lower death toll on the Newell Highway and…
