Coulton’s Catch Up 11th August

 It is important for Australia to be united if we are to deal with the challenges that we will inevitably face in the future. Australia is a country which shows a remarkable ability to pull together in times of crises and the sense of community is especially strong in country areas. Tragedies like the loss…


ANZAC Centenary Grant to Commemorate at Crooble

The centenary of ANZAC commemoration service at Crooble will receive assistance from the Federal Government through the ANZAC Centenary Local Grants programme. Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton has announced that the Crooble Memorial Hall Committee has been successful in securing funding of $4,523 for the ANZAC Day event in 2015. “The Crooble Memorial Hall…


Coulton’s Catch Up 4th August

 Australia is a country which is lucky enough to have a safety net. If we want to continue to have a country which can support all its citizens then we need to ensure that our welfare system is sustainable. For our system to be sustainable we need to ensure that any person who is capable…


Museum Under The Bridge to Commemorate ANZAC Centenary

 Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton has congratulated the Museum Under The Bridge for their successful application through the ANZAC Centenary Local Grants Programme. Mr Coulton said that it is important for the history of local contributions towards the First World War to be remembered. “The Museum Under The Bridge holds a great collection of…


Local Sheds recognised through National Shed Development Programme

 Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton has congratulated Men’s Sheds at Condobolin, Coonabarabran, Trangie and Gilgandra on their successful grant applications through the National Shed Development Programme. Mr Coulton said that the Programme administered by the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) is designed to provide direct financial assistance to Sheds. “Direct funding for Men’s Sheds…


Coulton’s Catch Up 28th July

 In August community information sessions will be held around the country to offer communities the opportunity to learn more about the National Landcare Programme. The National Landcare Programme is designed to deliver simple, local and long-term solutions to environmental challenges. It is important that farmers, environmental groups, local Landcare bodies and natural resource management organisations…
