Mobile Service Centre comes to NSW

Local residents across the Parkes electorate will have personalised access to government services this month, with the Coalition Government’s popular Mobile Service Centre ‘Golden Wattle’ coming to NSW. Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, said residents of Wee Waa, Goodooga, Collarenebri, Enngonia, Brewarrina, Trangie and Narromine will have access to important services including Centrelink, Medicare…


Child care relief across the Parkes electorate

More child care support for more families is here, with the Coalition Government’s new child care system commencing today (2 July). Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, said the reforms will provide much needed child care relief for around 4,420 families across his electorate. “For a long time, families have struggled with the cost of child…


Getting children more active in the Parkes electorate

Applications are closing soon for the Coalition’s popular Sporting Schools program and Mark Coulton, Member for the Parkes electorate, is encouraging all local schools in his electorate to apply. “Sport and physical activity are an important part of holistic childhood development, and I’d like to get more children across the Parkes electorate active,” Mr Coulton…


Farm Household Support Amendment Bill 2018

I rise to speak on the Farm Household Support Amendment Bill 2018. As the member for Eden-Monaro leaves, I'll say his was quite a thoughtful response until the last three minutes. It's a shame he wrecked it. This bill is in response to the tour that the Prime Minister, the agriculture minister, the Deputy Prime…


Coulton’s Catch Up – week ending 22 June

More support in dry times In early June 2018 I hosted the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud, and Ministers John McVeigh and Bridget McKenzie on a visit to drought-affected areas in my electorate. We visited Philip and Ashlea Miles at their property “Strathmore” via Trangie, met…


Coulton’s Catch Up – week ending 15 June 2018

Tackling the scourge of ice The Coalition Government is delivering on its strategy to tackle the scourge of ice in our communities, and I’m pleased to announce another four Local Drug Action Teams (LDATs) will be established across the Parkes electorate. These LDATs are Kirkala-Pithiluku Aboriginal Corporation at Broken Hill, Moree Local Drug Action Team,…


Boosting regional mobile phone coverage

Mark Coulton, Member for the Parkes electorate, has announced that the Federal Government will invest in addressing more mobile service black spots across the region. The Coalition is committing $25 million for a fourth round of the Mobile Black Spot Program, which will boost mobile phone coverage within regional and remote communities. “Further funding to…
