Coulton’s Catch Up 5th May

 There has been a lot of noise over recent weeks about the Budget and what this will mean for specific sectors of our society. There are a number of key facts to remember as speculation rises prior to the Coalition’s first Budget following the election. Number 1: No one who is elected to Government wants…


Coulton’s Catch Up 28th April

 It has now been some months since a boat has arrived on Australian shores with people travelling from Indonesia seeking asylum. This is an incredibly important achievement of the Abbott/Truss Government because it flies in the face of all of those on the extreme left who said that it could not be done. No boats…


Coulton’s Catch-up 21st April

The Prime Minister has taken some important steps in the right direction with trading partners to our North in recent weeks. Our diplomatic relationship with the emerging and established powers in Asia is multi-faceted and complicated. Advancing Australian interests in our region is vital for our future and a methodical and steady approach to diplomacy…


Coonabarabran Centre for Milky Way Discovery

 Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton said that the contribution of nearly $8 million by the Federal Government to the Hermes instrument at Coonabarabran would provide further insight to scientists seeking to improve our knowledge of the Milky Way. Mr Coulton attended the launch of HERMES (High Efficiency and Resolution Multi-Element Spectrograph) along with his…


Coulton Congratulates Horizon Recipients

 Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton says that two out of 16 Scholarships through the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation have been awarded to young scholars from the Parkes Electorate. Mr Coulton congratulated Felicity Taylor of Moree and Jack Scifleet of Binnaway on receiving the Horizon Scholarship. “The Horizon Scholarship is awarded to undergraduates…


Coulton’s Catch Up 14th April

I strongly encourage those with an interest in Australian agriculture and agribusiness to make a submission to the Federal Government’s White Paper. The White Paper will drive policies in the agricultural industry into the future and is concerned with profitability and boosting Australia’s productivity. The White Paper will be an essential base in the development…


Coulton’s Catch Up 7th April

 The Rudd/Gillard/Rudd Labor Governments did the Australian a great disservice by claiming over and over that they achieved a Budget surplus. The truth is the last time a Federal Labor Government delivered a surplus was back in the 1989-1990 Budget. The elected representative for the Federal Seat of Longman, 23 year old Wyatt Roy, has…


ANZAC Day For The Troops 2014

 Anzac Day is an important occasion when Australians reflect on the courage of the men and women who have served in our name, particularly those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Australia’s military history and our contribution to the maintenance of international peace and security are rightly revered. For over a decade our troops have…


Investing in Murrin Bridge community services

 The Australian Government is supporting social and economic projects that benefit remote Indigenous communities through the creation of jobs and employment-related participation activity, with funding of $115,000 for Murrin Bridge. Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion and the Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton said today a key priority for the Government  was to ensure as…
