Coulton’s Catch Up 3rd February

 I have been a supporter of “work for the dole” for a long time. When I was Mayor of Gwydir Shire Council I had significant exposure to work for the dole programs that were successfully implemented under the Howard Government. The people that took part in work for the dole often expressed to me their…


$393,320 for Parkes Electorate airstrip upgrades

 Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton has welcomed the Coalition Government’s $247,975 investment to upgrade Collarenebri Airport as part of the Regional Aviation Access Programme. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development Warren Truss today announced that 39 remote communities, including Brewarrina, Goodooga, Nymagee, Collarenebri and Walgett will share in almost $9…


Ballot for Gallipoli 2015 draws to a close

 The Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, has encouraged members of the public who are interested in travelling to Gallipoli on the 100th anniversary of the ANZAC landings to act quickly. “The 100th anniversary of the landing of Australian troops at Gallipoli is very significant and many Australians have expressed a desire to attend the…


Coulton’s Catch Up 27th January

   Australia Day is a day for celebration and community. Australians come together in appreciation of the great country that we live in, and the opportunities that are available to us. Many choose to mark the day with close friends and family in a truly laid back and Australian style.     Congratulations to all who…


Making farming smarter in the Parkes Electorate

 New on-the-ground projects will give farmers in the Parkes Electorate more tools and research to help them reduce farm costs, increase productivity and achieve greater returns at the farmgate. Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton said Minister Joyce had approved funding for 31 new projects across Australia as part of the Australian Government’s $21.2 million dollar…


World Prematurity Day

 Yesterday, 17 November, we marked World Prematurity Day. Every year around the world 15 million babies are born too soon and, sadly, one million of these babies do not make it. I am glad to be able to wear this badge and to show my support for families who have been affected by premature birth.…


Clontarf Foundation

 I rise tonight to bring to the attention of the House a wonderful organisation that operates around Australia-the Clontarf Foundation. Clontarf was started in Western Australia approximately 15 years ago. It is a football academy specifically for Aboriginal boys. It was based originally around Australian Rules and for probably the first 10 or 12 years…
