STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS – Wilcannia: Water Security

Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (13:32): Wilcannia is a town in the Parkes electorate. It’s on the banks of the Darling River and it’s a town with a wonderful heritage. The people of Wilcannia have been promised a weir to improve the reliability of their water supply and also the amenity of the town. For…


Statements By Members – Retirement announcement

Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (16:27): Today I announced to my party room that I would not be contesting the next election. I have been in this place since 2007. I was elected in the Rudd slide of 2007, and by the time the next election comes around, I will have served for 17 years.…


STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS – Attack on the people of the Parkes electorate

Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (13:44): At the moment, the people in my electorate are under attack. They’re not under attack from flood or drought or pestilence. They’re under attack from the elected government of this country. At the moment, they are dealing with issues like losing 450 gigalitres of productive water—the very lifeblood that…


Question Time – New Vehicle Efficiency Standard

Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (16:46): My question is to the Minister for Climate Change and Energy. Toyota’s vice-president of sales, Sean Hanley, claims that Labor’s proposed new family car and ute tax is too aggressive, stating: I can tell you, from Toyota’s perspective, we’re not buying credits. We’ll pay a fine and pass it…



27 February 2024 Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (16:17): A lot of people in this place and elsewhere know that I have been a long-time supporter of the Palestinian people. Some years ago, I spent eight days on the West Bank. One of my former mayors, Al Karanouh from Coonamble, his family left their homes…


Statements By Members – New Vehicle Efficiency Standard

Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (13:48): Last week I spent in my electorate, wandering through the north and western part, visiting communities in Dubbo, Narromine, Bourke, Brewarrina and Walgett. I did a bit of a poll in the main streets of those towns as to the vehicles that were parked there. There were a large…


BILLS Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2023-2024 Appropriation Bill (No. 4) 2023-2024 Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No. 2) 2023-2024 Second Reading

Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (18:27): I rise tonight to speak on this Appropriation Bill (No. 3) 2023-2024 and express my concern about how the Albanese Labor government seems to have abandoned regional Australia and particularly my electorate in a whole range of ways. In some ways, I can’t believe it’s on purpose. I think…
