Coulton’s Catch Up 26th January

 Businesses in the Parkes Electorate are able to apply for support to boost the skills in their workforce with applications now open for the new $476 million Industry Skills Fund. The fund will provide up to 200,000 training places and skills advice for businesses over the next four years. The Industry Skills Fund is a…


Coulton’s Catch Up 19th January

 The benefits stemming from Australia’s Free Trade Agreement with Japan will be felt right across regional Australia with local businesses and consumers set to reap the rewards of the deal. The landmark Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA) entered into force last week. This means more than 97 per cent of Australia’s goods exports to Japan…


Coulton’s Catch Up 12th November

 In December last year, Minister for Small Business, Bruce Billson issued a new direction to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to increase efforts to monitor pricing and profits in the fuel industry over the next three years. These monitoring reports will be useful evidence for identifying where fuel pricing has not responded to…


Coulton’s Catch Up 22nd December

 At the end of 2014 I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. There have been many tragedies over the last 12 months both at home and abroad.  The recent Sydney siege has shown that the world can indeed be a dangerous place. Christmas is a time when we…


Coulton’s Catch Up 15th December

 The Coalition made a commitment to restore order to border protection after years of failed and erratic policy measures under Labor. When the Labor party formed Government in 2007, the Howard Government had made the tough decisions to prevent people from taking the risky route to Australia by sea. Kevin Rudd, and then Julia Gillard,…


Coulton’s Catch Up 8th December

 National Heritage places are of outstanding heritage value to the nation and reveal the richness and diversity of Australia’s extraordinarily natural environment. The Parkes Electorate is no exception and is home to many of these iconic places. The Australian Government is now calling for nominations for new places to be included on the National Heritage…


Coulton’s Catch Up 1st December

 There has been a lot of heat in the discussion over funding for public broadcasters over the last week- let’s look at the facts of the situation. 1.       The ABC will continue to receive $5.1 billion dollars in funding over the next 5 years. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is a large organisation receiving more than…


Coulton’s Catch Up 24th November

 Christmas is fast approaching and with more than 2,200 Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel deployed overseas on operations Australians are being asked to spare a thought for our troops who won’t be able to spend Christmas with their families and friends. The best and most effective way to show support is to send an email…


Coulton’s Catch Up 17th November

 After years of neglect under the Labor Government, the Coalition is putting the focus back on agriculture. The Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper will be the basis for the Government’s policy platform for the agricultural sector. This policy will emphasise the important part that agriculture plays in the Australian economy. The final White Paper is due…


Coulton’s Catch Up 10th November

 The end of this week Australia will see world leaders arriving for the G20 Leaders’ Summit. As host, it has been up to Australia to make sure the meeting isn’t just a high-level talk-fest. We are determined that world leaders use their influence to deliver the economic growth, jobs and financial stability that will benefit…
