I strongly encourage those with an interest in Australian agriculture and agribusiness to make a submission to the Federal Government’s White Paper. The White Paper will drive policies in the agricultural industry into the future and is concerned with profitability and boosting Australia’s productivity.
The White Paper will be an essential base in the development of Government policies to revitalise rural and regional communities and the Parkes Electorate will play a big part in this.
I have spoken to many individuals and groups who have already made a submission and I recommend all residents who have experience, expertise and ideas to consider putting their thoughts forward.
Submissions are due by the 17th April and can be made through the website www.agriculturalcompetitiveness.dpmc.gov.au.
The next stage in the development of the White Paper will be a Green Paper which I expect to be released for consultation in the middle of this year.
The Coalition Government takes agriculture very seriously and appreciates the contribution that farming makes to the national economy. As with all industries it is important to take stock and consider how Government policy can assist the industry to achieve, innovate and be productive.
The Coalition is committed to implementing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) as quickly, efficiently and effectively as possible. The NDIS has broad support from the community and has the support of all sides of politics. Australia agrees that this is a reform that is necessary.
The NDIS has begun through several trial sites around the nation, testing the capabilities of the Agency to rollout the scheme. This is needed to show any flaws in the scheme before a full roll out is implemented. This is a considerable reform and it is to be expected that there would be some glitches. The trials will assist by showing what can be improved.
An independent review of the National Disability Insurance Agency has found out that the introduction of the trials was rushed and this has caused some disruption to the overall rollout of the NDIS.
The full NDIS will be very expensive but it will provide support to some of the most deserving in our community.
I want the NDIS to be operational across Australia as soon as possible. I want the National Disability Insurance Agency to be able to do the job it was created to do- assist those individuals and families who are dealing with a profound disability access the assistance that they need. In this case slow and steady will win the race.