Coulton’s Catch Up – Narrabri forging ahead, Caring for country, Grants open for innovative drought resilience projects, Commonwealth Closing the Gap Implementation Plan

Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton (centre), Narrabri Shire councillor Robert Kneale and Mayor Ron Campbell inspect the completed road pavement replacement project in Narrabri’s CBD. Narrabri forging ahead It was great to spend some time in Narrabri last week with Narrabri Shire Council Mayor Ron Campbell and councillor Robert Kneale, taking a…


Coulton’s Catch Up – Funding for three local airports, Grants for healthy rivers, Boothenba Road upgrade begins, funding for headspace, Have your say on telecommunications services

Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton (right) and Narromine Shire Council Mayor Craig Davies at Narromine Airport, which will undergo a number of important upgrades thanks to $389,000 in Federal Government funding through Round 2 of the Regional Airports Program. Funding for three local airports This week I visited the Narromine Aerodrome –…


Coulton’s Catch Up – Positive development in northern NSW, Funding local child care services, Boosting mobile coverage

Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton (second from right) pictured at the Goodooga Bore Bath with Brewarrina Shire councillor Angelo Pippos, Deputy Mayor Vivian Slack-Smith, Mayor Phillip O’Connor, councillor Tom Stanton and General Manager Jeff Sowiak. Positive development in northern NSW It was great to get out on the road last week, visiting…


Coulton’s Catch Up – Tour of Basin communities, Disaster recovery funding, Farewell to Ev

Photo caption: Minister for Resources and Water Keith Pitt (third from left) and Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton (second from right) pictured at the Collarenebri Primitive Camping Ground where the Collarenebri Bore Bath will be built, with Collarenebri Health Service Manager Suzanne Mahoney, Registered Nurse Marlise Latta, Walgett Shire councillor Lawrence Walford, Mayor Ian…


Coulton’s Catch Up – Grants for local NAIDOC events, Apply now for water infrastructure rebate scheme, Bushfire recovery grant guidelines released

Grants for local NAIDOC events Last week, NAIDOC events across the Parkes electorate were given a financial boost, with local organisations receiving more than $38,000 in community grants to help celebrate our rich Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. A total of 20 organisations in the Parkes electorate received funding for their NAIDOC…


Coulton’s Catch Up – Committed to the Parkes electorate, Boost for Basin communities, Key measures now in place, NAIDOC Week a chance to heal

Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton last week announced 15 projects in the Parkes electorate will share in more than $8 million in funding under the third round of the Federal Government’s Economic Development Program, including a $974,215 upgrade of the Back O’ Bourke Exhibition Centre. Committed to the Parkes electorate You’d be…


Coulton’s Catch Up – Opening of Cobar Miners Memorial, Increasing youth mental health services, Men’s Sheds Grants now open, Delivering fuel security and protecting jobs

Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton (second from left) pictured with Cobar community members Colby Lawrence, Barry Knight, Reverend Graham McLeod and Cobar Deputy Mayor Jarrod Marsden at the opening of the Cobar Miners Memorial. Opening of Cobar Miners Memorial Last week it was a pleasure to join members of the Cobar community…


Coulton’s Catch Up – Employment support for local women, Drug court to help combat substance abuse, Emma our Young Farmer of the Year, $25 million for metering program

Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton congratulated the 2021 Young Farmer of the Year Emma Ayliffe in Parliament House last week. Employment support for local women CatholicCare Wilcannia-Forbes has been successful in receiving $689,870 in Federal Government funding to establish two social enterprise cafes, helping women in Bourke and Wilcannia enter the workforce…
