Coulton’s Catch Up – week ending 6 July

Country of Origin Labelling Country of Origin Labelling became law on 1 July 2018. From 1 July 2016, they were optional and have now become mandatory. Food produced or manufactured from 1 July 2018 and sold in retail stores in Australia must display Country of Origin labels, meaning customers can now easily choose Aussie produce. …


Coulton’s Catch Up – week ending 29 June

Australian Aid: Friendship Grants As the Assistant Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, as well as Member for the Parkes electorate, I am pleased to share the news about Australian Aid Friendship Grants. These grants will bring a new and diverse group of community partners from across Australia into the aid program by awarding grants…


Coulton’s Catch Up – week ending 22 June

More support in dry times In early June 2018 I hosted the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud, and Ministers John McVeigh and Bridget McKenzie on a visit to drought-affected areas in my electorate. We visited Philip and Ashlea Miles at their property “Strathmore” via Trangie, met…


Coulton’s Catch Up – week ending 15 June 2018

Tackling the scourge of ice The Coalition Government is delivering on its strategy to tackle the scourge of ice in our communities, and I’m pleased to announce another four Local Drug Action Teams (LDATs) will be established across the Parkes electorate. These LDATs are Kirkala-Pithiluku Aboriginal Corporation at Broken Hill, Moree Local Drug Action Team,…


Coulton’s Catch Up – week ending 8 June 2018

Mental health a priority in the bush With dry times impacting heavily on many of the farming communities across the Parkes electorate, I am pleased to advise the Coalition Government will provide funding to support the mental health of farmers, as well as mining workers and Indigenous Australians living in rural and regional Australia.  Two…


Coulton’s Catch up – week ending 1 June 2018

Time running out to switch to new child care system Now is the time for families across the Parkes electorate to make the switch to the Coalition Government’s new child care and early learning system, or risk missing out on the new subsidies. Around 46% of families across the electorate have already made the switch.…


Coulton’s Catch Up – week ending 25 May 2018

Focus on Cyberbullying – National School Chaplaincy Programme The Coalition Government has backed school chaplains with hundreds of millions of dollars in new funding, having announced its ongoing support of the National School Chaplaincy Programme. This Programme provides vital pastoral care services to thousands of students and school communities across Australia, including in the Parkes…


Coulton’s Catch Up – week ending 18th May

Growing agricultural productivity The future of Australian agriculture, associated jobs and the economy is being supported through the Government’s investment in productivity and growth in this year’s Budget.   I welcome the funding to boost agricultural productivity, as an essential part of the sector reaching its potential. The Government sees a bright future for Aussie agriculture, but there is much more hard work…


Coulton’s Catchup – week ending 11 May 2018

Funding for essential health and mental health programmes The Coalition Government will provide support for three essential health and mental health programmes that will benefit many people in the electorate of Parkes. The Government will provide the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine to every pregnant woman in the country, protecting both baby and mother from this life-threatening disease.  The $39.5…


Coulton’s Catchup – week ending 4 May 2018

Men’s Sheds helping men to stay healthy Men’s Sheds in the electorate of Parkes are helping men to stay healthy and strong in every way. The many sheds around the electorate offer a friendly welcoming environment where men can connect with each other without pressure and as Co-Chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Men’s Sheds, I…
