Statements By Members – INLAND RAIL

22 March 2023 Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (13:45): Last week I was at a location called Merrywinebone, in my electorate. I met with farmers, rail operators, grain traders and representatives of the Walgett Shire Council about the need to upgrade the 52-kilometre section from Merrywinebone back to Burren Junction on the Walgett line. Rail…


Private members’ business – Murray-Darling Basin

20 March 2023 Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (18:35): I think it’s time for a bit of history revision in this place. I want to remind the members present that I actually voted for the Murray-Darling Basin Plan when it came through in 2012. I’ll take the member for Makin up on his point that…


Private Members’ Business – Melanoma

13 February 2023 Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (17:25): I’d be very happy to second the motion. I’d like to thank the member for Macarthur for bringing this to the House. It’s a subject very close to my heart. As someone who represents a western New South Wales electorate with great exposure to the sun,…


Constituency Statement – Inland Rail

13 February 2023 Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (10:42): A couple of weeks ago it was my birthday. As a special treat we caught the train from Moree to Willow Tree. I had lunch at the Willow Tree Inn with my family and then caught the train back again. Why that’s significant for this chamber…


Adjournment debate – Virtue signalling of corporate Australia

Adjournment Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (19:39): I would like to speak about the disconnect between corporate Australia and the people that they serve. I thank my good friend the member for Riverina for foreshadowing that in his contribution. I reinforce what he said about bank closures. I’d like to first take issue with the…


Governor-General’s Speech – Address-In-Reply

Governor-General’s Speech Address-In-Reply Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (12:58): It’s a great honour to stand in this place and speak in the address-in-reply to the Governor-General’s opening speech. In May, I was very proudly elected to this place for the sixth time. Last Thursday was the 15th anniversary of my election to the Australian parliament,…


Statements by Members – Floods in the Parkes electorate

Statements By Members Parkes Electorate: Floods Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (16:24): As we stand here today, my electorate is in flood. My electorate is half of New South Wales and a third of the Murray-Darling Basin, and every single square inch of it at some stage or other has been flooded. At the moment,…


Statements By Members – Murray-Darling Basin Plan

Statements By Members Murray-Darling Basin Plan Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (13:57): I’d like to raise to the attention of the House the comments made by the Minister for the Environment and Water about her plan to deliver the Murray-Darling Basin Plan in full. I need to explain to the House that the Murray-Darling Basin…
