Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan Shires get a load of heavy vehicle safety awareness

A joint initiative of Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan Shires aimed at raising public awareness of the dangers of heavy vehicle load restraint breaches has been granted a share of funding under Round 5 of the Australian Government’s Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative (HVSI). Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development and Federal Member…


PCYC Dubbo to share in Federal funding

Dubbo’s PCYC will share in a $1,987,634 Federal Government grant to help at-risk youth secure employment and gain real-life skills. Member for Parkes Mark Coulton announced the funding today, which has been committed to PCYC NSW under Round 3 of the Coalition’s $30 million Safer Communities Fund. “I’d like to commend PCYC NSW on successfully…


Petition presentation in Parliament represents integral step of Cancer Care Centre process

An integral step demonstrating support for the Western New South Wales integrated cancer care centre has taken place with the presentation to the Australian Parliament of a petition containing more than 45,000 signatures. Presenting the petition, the Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said each of the 45,961 signatures proved there was overwhelming support for…
