Australian Defence Force Pay

 The Australian Government understands that the work performed by members of the Australian Defence Force is unique and crucial to our nation and our security. In recognition of these unique circumstances, the Government has decided to increase the pay for ADF personnel to two per cent per annum, over the life of the agreement, with…


$10,000 to businesses under Restart programme

 Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, is reminding businesses in regional New South Wales that the Restart programme provides up to $10,000 (GST inclusive) to hire an eligible 50-plus job seeker and retain that person for two years. Mr Coulton said under the programme eligible employers can receive up to $10,000 when they employ a…


Freedom Rides Anniversary Shows Progress

 Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton has said that he is looking forward to events being held over the next few days to commemorate the 50 year anniversary of the historic Freedom Rides. Mr Coulton said that he was honoured to be invited to be involved with events being held in Dubbo, Moree and Walgett.…


Safety and productivity boost for Parkes Electorate

 THE Australian Government has today announced infrastructure projects to be funded in the Parkes Electorate to improve productivity and safety outcomes for local heavy vehicles. Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, said the Australian Government’s Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme will provide $120 million to NSW projects, including more than $26 million in the…


Community Leaders Breakfast

 The next Community Leaders Breakfast will be held on Saturday, 21 February 2015 at the Church Street Rotunda, Dubbo. “On Saturday 21 February from 8:00am at the Dubbo Rotunda I, Mark Coulton, Mathew Dickerson and Dubbo City Councillors and Executives would like to welcome everyone along for breakfast and a chat at the Community Leaders…
