The next Community Leaders Breakfast will be held on Saturday, 21 February 2015 at the Church Street Rotunda, Dubbo.
“On Saturday 21 February from 8:00am at the Dubbo Rotunda I, Mark Coulton, Mathew Dickerson and Dubbo City Councillors and Executives would like to welcome everyone along for breakfast and a chat at the Community Leaders Breakfast.” Mr Grant said.
Dubbo Men’s Shed will be doing a BBQ for a gold coin donation with all proceeds going to the shed.
“This is our chance to say Thank You for your support but also a great opportunity for you to have a chat with all three levels of Government in one place.”
Mark Coulton said the event was a great opportunity to meet with representatives from Local, State and Federal Government.
“We want to hear what’s important to you. I look forward to catching up with local residents and hearing their views.” said Mr Coulton.
Mayor Mathew Dickerson said this is a genuine opportunity to come along and tell us about your ideas and concerns.
“Many community ideas and concerns cross different areas of government responsibility. This is one forum where ideas can be raised directly with your local representatives.
“Come and have a chat over bacon and eggs with the Mathew, Mark and I and learn more about what services might be available to assist you with your issue.” Mr Grant said.