Training Complaints Hotline

 Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton has said that vocational education and training (VET) students now have a complaints hotline to bring rogue training providers to the attention of regulators. “Our Government is taking firm action to crack down on unscrupulous and misleading behaviour by some training providers and brokers, and this one-stop-shop hotline will…

Coulton’s Catch Up 19th January

 The benefits stemming from Australia’s Free Trade Agreement with Japan will be felt right across regional Australia with local businesses and consumers set to reap the rewards of the deal. The landmark Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA) entered into force last week. This means more than 97 per cent of Australia’s goods exports to Japan…

Rogue Operators targeted with new regulations

 Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, has said that new regulations introduced by the Federal Government and effective from 1 January 2015 are targeted at rogue operators within the training sector. Mr Coulton said that there had been cases within the Electorate where training brokers had employed unscrupulous practices to sign prospective students up. “Most…

Coulton’s Catch Up 12th November

 In December last year, Minister for Small Business, Bruce Billson issued a new direction to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to increase efforts to monitor pricing and profits in the fuel industry over the next three years. These monitoring reports will be useful evidence for identifying where fuel pricing has not responded to…


 Minister for the Arts, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, has announced over $2 million in funding to bring music, theatre and other arts experiences to regional and remote Australians. Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, welcomed the Australian Government’s funding for performance arts to tour in regional Australia. “$340,783 will be provided to Circus…

Coulton’s Catch Up 15th December

 The Coalition made a commitment to restore order to border protection after years of failed and erratic policy measures under Labor. When the Labor party formed Government in 2007, the Howard Government had made the tough decisions to prevent people from taking the risky route to Australia by sea. Kevin Rudd, and then Julia Gillard,…