For the first time in Australian history the Federal Government will be offering a mechanism, similar to the HECS scheme, to young people taking up a trade. The Trade Support Loans will begin from 1July 2014 and this is great news for the regions.
The Trade Support Loans will consist of a loan up to $20,000 over a four year apprenticeship. The payments will begin with $8000 in the first year, followed by $6000 in the second, $4000 in the third and $2000 in the fourth year as the apprentice becomes more qualified. The nature of the loan is that the most support is provided in the earliest years when it is most needed.
When an apprentice successfully finishes their training 20% of the loan will be immediately deducted from the total of their loan. Apprentices who take up the loans will be required to begin paying back the loan when their income hits a threshold of $53,345.
The scheme will target those trades included on the National Skills Needs List such as plumbers, diesel mechanics, electricians and fitters.
The Trade Support Loans will provide much needed assistance to our future tradespeople.
The Government has made no bones about the “earn or learn” ethos inherent in this budget. Taking up a trade can be a valuable and rewarding occupation and these skills are needed right across our country towns.
Our long life expectancy is something to be celebrated. However it does supply certain challenges to Government. Of children born today, one in three will live to be 100 years old.
To maintain our high standard of living we must consider what is sustainable and what changes are necessary for our ageing population.
The Coalition has a strong commitment to reducing red tape in the aged care sector. Providers in regional, rural and remote areas are also set to benefit from a 20 per cent increase to the viability supplement and will also have greater discretion in how this funding is used. This increase takes into account the unique challenges that aged care providers face in regional areas.
Aged care providers will soon be required to publish the maximum accommodation prices that they will charge from 1 July. This information will be useful for families considering their options when it comes to aged care.
The publication of this information also offers an opportunity for aged care providers to highlight the key services that they offer and features that are particular to their facility.
To find out more about aged care facilities in the region call 1800 200 422 or visit