Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton has encouraged residents in Regional New South Wales to consider road safety as the campaign for Fatality Free Friday continues into its eight year.
Mr Coulton said that road safety is absolutely paramount in regional areas.
“In the regions, safety on the roads is so important. Tragically, we lose far too many people on our roads every year.”
“This is only one day, but we all hold the ideal of making every single day fatality free. I urge all Australians to be careful on the road and pay attention to the road safety messages,” said Mr Coulton.
“I spend a lot of time driving in the Electorate, as do a lot of country people. By concentrating on road safety and lifting awareness we can all help to save lives.”
Mr Coulton invited drivers to support road safety and take the pledge to drive safe.
By taking the pledge you are promising that on Friday 30 May 2014 you will:
· Remind your family, friends and workmates to take extra care on the roads
· Put your lights on for safety
· Be mindful to drive safely and follow the road rules
· Not speed and will not drink and drive
· Take care at level crossings
· Slow down in the wet and drive to suit the conditions
· Not tailgate other drivers and you will look as far ahead as possible
· Wear your seatbelt
· Not use your mobile phone while driving
· Set a good example to your passengers by driving calmly and safely
· Take care as a pedestrian when crossing the road or street
More information is available at http://www.fatalityfreefriday.com/