Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton has spoken in favour of the continuation of the Federal Government’s popular Roads to Recovery program.
Mr Coulton said that farms and businesses in the Parkes Electorate rely on local roads and that the Roads to Recovery Program had support from both sides of politics.
“The Roads to Recovery program provides funding directly from the Federal Government to Local Government.
The projects that are funded through this program are decided by local Government and a large proportion of the funding is spent on maintaining our local road network,” said Mr Coulton.
The legislation to continue Roads to Recovery program will provide $1.75 billion through to 30 June 2019.
“My Electorate encompasses 17 local Government Areas and these Councils would be in a lot financial strife without the funding through Roads to Recovery.”
Speaking to the Land Transport Infrastructure Amendment Bill Mr Coulton also reiterated the importance of funding the Inland Rail from Melbourne to Brisbane in increasing productivity in Western New South Wales.
Mr Coulton said that lifting productivity was essential for the future of the Parkes Electorate and that reliable and efficient access to markets is essential for farmers in the Electorate.
“Areas in the Parkes Electorate have a very high level of productivity, but a low population so Roads to Recovery is an essential means for a Local Council to service their road infrastructure.”
The Coalition has committed $35.5 billion through its Infrastructure Investment Programme that will be rolled out over the next 6 years.