An independent panel reviewing the Farm Household Allowance (FHA) will visit Dubbo on 15 November to consult with farmers and stakeholders in the area.
Member for Parkes Mark Coulton has welcomed the additional consultation, and said it will provide farmers in the Dubbo region with an opportunity to contribute to the Review face-to-face.
“The FHA Review panel is interested in hearing from people across the agricultural sector to assess whether the FHA support payment has remained fit-for-purpose since it commenced in 2014,” Mr Coulton said.
“The event at the Dubbo RSL Memorial Club on 15 November will provide farmers in the local area with a great opportunity to have their say on whether there are further ways the FHA can be improved, with morning tea to follow.
“I am encouraging anyone interested to register and attend the session. This includes those who have had anything to do with the FHA through applying or receiving the payment, as well as stakeholders including accountants and Rural Financial Counsellors.
“Those who are unable to attend still have the opportunity to contribute to the Review through completing an online survey. Online submissions have been extended and will now close 16 November.”
Mr Coulton said those interested in attending should RSVP by emailing For further information visit
Event details
FHA Review Public Consultation
Where: Dubbo RSL Memorial Club, 178 Brisbane St
When: 9am-10.30am, Thursday 15 November 2018 (morning tea to follow)
RSVPs to