Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton (fourth from left) pictured with Hermidale Public School students Oliver Sheather, Abbie Smith, Ruby Mudford, Jimmy Smith, Marlie Jensen, Matilda Mudford and Ned Gunning, and teacher Rebekah Coddington.
Campaign to fund Macquarie Home Stay expansion
Macquarie Home Stay is a vital service for people throughout western NSW, providing a much-needed home away from home for those who need to travel to Dubbo for medical care.
Prior to the election, I made a promise that if re-elected, the Coalition would provide $2.45 million in funding for a 26-unit expansion, to help meet the growing demand for accommodation as more people travel to Dubbo for medical treatment.
Of course, now we are on the opposition benches, but the need for this expansion hasn’t changed. That is why last week I invited my Nationals colleague, Shadow Assistant Minister for Regional Development Dr Anne Webster to Dubbo to visit the accommodation facility to see for herself the importance of expanding this service for patient care in Dubbo.
Dr Webster was very impressed, and together, we will advocate for this project back in Canberra, doing what we can to ensure the Labor Government understands the critical need for this funding.
Ivanhoe Multi Service Outlet now open
It was wonderful to join Central Darling Shire Council General Manager Greg Hill, Administrator Bob Stewart and staff, as well as members of the NSW Rural Fire Service, LiveBetter and the community to open the new Ivanhoe Multi Service Outlet last week.
This new purpose-built building is a one-stop government shop for members of the remote Ivanhoe community, providing access to Central Darling Shire Council, Centrelink and LiveBetter services, in addition to being a base for the RFS and a community meeting space.
It’s so important that residents are able to access these services locally, and this building will be able to be utilised by the community for years to come.
I’m pleased the former Coalition Government supported this project, providing $450,000 through the Building Better Regions Fund.
Recognising our very own English Channel swimmer
It was an absolute privilege to last week catch up with Brendan Cullen from Menindee who has recently returned home after swimming the English Channel.
I spoke about Brendan’s achievement in Parliament earlier this month, but I was very honoured to meet him in person and hear all about his motivations, his training, and the swim itself.
Brendan was motivated to start swimming because he wanted to find a way to manage his mental health, particularly during the drought. As a result, he became an ambassador for Lifeline Broken Hill, an organisation that I’m very familiar with, which provides wonderful services to the people of the Far West. Brendan carried the mantle of Lifeline during his swim, highlighting the importance of mental health and physical wellbeing as well as promoting the great work Lifeline does in the Far West.
From training in the Menindee Lakes to the rough seas of the English Channel and the extreme physical toll swimming 17 hours in the open water took on his body – it’s a fascinating story and an incredible feat! Brendan is an inspiration and a wonderful role model for the people of the Far West.
Impressive future farmers at Hermidale
Perhaps the highlight of my travels last week was getting out in the paddock with the students from Hermidale Public School, looking at the 85-hectare spitfire wheat crop they’ve been growing.
It’s part of the small school’s Hermidale Future Farmers project, which sees all seven students involved in the entire cropping process. It’s not only about teaching them about all aspects of farming, but it’s helping to equip them with valuable skills for life.
I’m very impressed with what they’re doing and I’m looking forward to seeing the crop develop. Well done to everyone involved and best of luck with the upcoming harvest.