Last week marked the two year anniversary of this Coalition Government.
I am very proud to be part of a Government that cares about rural and regional Australia; a Government that has a clear plan to build a prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia.
I have been working very hard to do my bit in implementing the Government’s plan across the Parkes electorate, which is one third of New South Wales (NSW).
Looking after an electorate this size with such a diverse range of people and places can be quite challenging. However I am very confident that this Government is supporting the diversity of rural and regional Australia far better than any Government has since I was first elected to the Federal Parliament eight years ago.
Under the Coalition Government, we are seeing the largest investment in Commonwealth history with $50 billion for a range of infrastructure projects. This significant investment is helping to improve road and rail links and support economic growth and safety on Western NSW roads.
The measures announced as part of the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper provide a huge investment in our local farmers and strengthen our competitive edge as leaders in the agriculture industry.
The Government’s new Stronger Communities Programme will also provide much needed investment in small capital projects for local not-for-profit groups throughout the local communities of my electorate. The hardworking volunteers attached to these groups do an amazing job and they deserve not just financial support but also the support of the broader community.
These are just some of the many achievements the Coalition Government has made over the last two years. I look forward to continuing my work across the electorate to ensure that these measures are implemented and that the residents of Western NSW continue to be considered and looked after by this Government.
I welcome the announcement from the Minister for the Arts, Senator George Brandis that the Festivals Australia and Visions of Australia regional funding programs are now open for applications.
These programs provide funding for regional tours of visual arts was well as support for arts and cultural experiences at regional festivals. The funding will not only bring great arts and cultural heritage experiences to our communities, but it will also enable our local artists and arts organisations to share our stories around Australia.
Up to $2.4 million is available each year through the Visions of Australia program and up to $1.2 million is available through the Festivals Australia program.
I encourage our outstanding local artists and arts organisations to apply.
Applications to Festivals Australia and Visions of Australia will close on Wednesday
30 September 2015.
30 September 2015.
For more information, to view the guidelines and to submit an application, please visit the Ministry for the Arts website at