The Coalition Government has introduced legislation to improve the quality of vocational education and training organisations and to ensure that they are more closely monitored by the existing regulatory body, ASQA.
Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, spoke in favour of vocational education and the changes brought in by the legislation.
“I support this legislation because we needed to make changes to get the balance right. I have been a long-time supporter of Vocational Education, especially through the Gwydir Learning Region prior to my time in Parliament. Education is transformative.”
“Over the last year I have been contacted by constituents who have raised issues about quality and standards, but more particularly about the way in which RTOs, marketers and brokers have been targeting prospective clients in order for them to sign up to a course.”
“There have been documented cases of prospective students being enticed through cash inducements, and of RTOs signing up clients who do not have the full information for the financial arrangement that they are entering into.”
“There is a duty to protect students from unscrupulous training providers. We want a good quality vocational training system that we can trust.”
Mr Coulton said that the majority of Registered Training Operators do the right thing; however legislation was necessary to deal with those who had stepped outside the bounds.
“The Federal Government has allocated $68 million to ASQA (Australian Skills Quality Authority) to enforce the tough new standards. We have extended the registration period from 5 years to 7 years allowing ASQA to focus on those operators who are not doing the right thing,” Mr Coulton said.
Mr Coulton encouraged members of the public with concern about the quality, standards or practices of a training organisation or broker to contact the National Complaints Hotline 133 873 or email