27 November 2023
Mr COULTON (Parkes—Chief Nationals Whip) (16:35): Over the last couple of days, I’ve had the privilege to attend three different events in the Parkes electorate that really show the diversity and strength of this community.
Late last week, I was able to attend the 20th anniversary of the Country Education Foundation’s Namoi branch, based at Narrabri. For 20 years they’ve been providing support, generously donated by local businesses and individuals. Over that time, over 400 country students from that area have been given assistance for their tertiary education. It’s a great milestone to be celebrated, and supporting country kids into education is really important.
On Saturday, I got a chance to attend the official opening of the Lachlan shire tourism precinct. It included: Utes in the Paddock—an array of utes individually decorated around the edge of the site; a wonderful new tourist information centre; and the Australian jockeys memorial, with over 800 names of all the jockeys that have ever passed away in the pursuit of their sport on that memorial.
Finally, on Saturday night out at Broken Hill at the business awards, 340 people turned up to celebrate the strength of the business community in Broken Hill. From hairdressers to engineers and from apprentices to CEOs, they were all recognised. It was a great night. Broken Hill is a town with a huge future and has a lot going for it. It was a privilege to be part of it.