Regional communities of Western NSW have been left out in the latest round of Mobile Blackspot funding, with Labor prioritising areas in their own seats.
Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has chosen Labor electorates for 25 out of 26 available grants in New South Wales under the Improving Mobile Coverage Round of the Mobile Black Spots Program.
Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said the Improving Mobile Coverage rounds were initiated by the previous Coalition Government to ensure everyone on the road had access to quality mobile coverage.
“Mobile coverage is crucial on all rural roads and I am not opposed to other electorates receiving funding, but it seems as though the Communications Minister thinks it’s only roads in Labor seats that matter,” Mr Coulton said.
“It’s unbelievable to me that some of the areas which obviously need it most have been completely left out of this funding. None of the funding has gone into seats like Farrer, Riverina or Parkes – not a cent.
“These are areas which cover roughly 70% of NSW and support some of our most productive agricultural zones. Mobile coverage is one of the key needs for Western NSW so I would expect to see this reflected in the grant allocations.
“It has been reported that Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland, directed her Department to ensure only specific locations received funding.
“I am truly disappointed by this. When they were in opposition, Labor was in a state of indignation about Ministerial discretion even when it directed grant funding into Labor held seats. The Coalition took a needs-based approach.
“Now, at the first opportunity, Minister Rowland is using her discretion to make sure the vast majority of rural and regional NSW misses out because of what smells very strongly of partisan politics.
“Road users in Western NSW rely very heavily on mobile coverage while driving the long stretches between towns. If they don’t have mobile service in isolated areas this can quickly become extremely hazardous.
“The Government has a duty to all Australians. All regional communities deserve a chance and Labor needs to stop playing politics because mobile coverage, especially in the Far West, is a major safety issue,” Mr Coulton said.