Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton has today secured nearly $4.5 million in funding for community projects in Collarenebri and Warren, under the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program.
Mr Coulton announced that $3,521,588 has been committed to Warren Shire Council, with a further $964,000 for Walgett Shire Council, to deliver projects that provide lasting economic benefits to the community.
“It is with great pleasure that I announce this important funding for Warren Shire Council and Walgett Shire Council, which has been committed for economic development projects that support communities most impacted by water recovery under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan,” Mr Coulton said.
“The projects being funded will rejuvenate community infrastructure and build community capacity and morale. This will provide an enormous boost to the local economy in the communities of Collarenebri, Warren, Nevertire and Collie.”
The projects include:
Warren Shire Council
• $3,521,588 for improving regional structures to facilitate economic development – A number of urban enhancement and oval redevelopment projects to beautify the urban areas and attract more businesses in Warren, Nevertire and Collie.
Walgett Shire Council
• $476,000 for creating capacity, industry and connection in the Collarenebri community – Developing an overall business strategy and three business cases for potential future funding, as well as business mentoring.
• $488,000 for refurbishment of the Collarenebri Showground – Grandstand and associated jockeys room, bar and kitchen facilities.
The Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program provides up to $20 million of funding over four years to support communities most impacted by water recovery. Funding for economic development projects will assist eligible communities to develop their economies, increase job opportunities and enhance their resilience to manage current and future economic challenges.
In determining the eligible communities for this program, the Department of Agriculture considered a range of information including research by the Murray–Darling Basin Authority (MDBA). Some of the relevant MDBA research regarding the Northern Basin is available at: www.mdba.gov.au/publications/mdba-reports/NBreview-social-economic-condition-reports
Photo Capion: Member for Parkes Mark Coulton with Walgett Shire Councillor Kelly Smith, in front of the historic grandstand at the Collarenebri Showground which will soon be refurbished with funding under the Murray-Darling Economic Development Program.