Golden Wattle has hit the road to give people in parts of rural and regional NSW easy access to government services.
Staff on board have delivered Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support services to almost 150,000 customers since 2006.
Golden Wattle is one of two 20 tonne trucks that are run by the Department of Human Services and have travelled over 800,000 kilometres, to more than 4,800 communities.
Minister for Government Services, Stuart Robert, said Golden Wattle provides tailored support and information to people in rural communities.
‘Mobile Service Centres reinforce the Australian Government’s commitment to delivering the best services to all Australians, regardless of where they live,’ Minister Robert said.
‘Friendly staff on board can assist customers with Centrelink claims, Medicare registrations and online services.’
Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton said the purpose-built truck will have a specialist team on board ready to assist people in his community.
‘There will be a social worker accompanying service staff on this trip to offer short-term counselling and referrals,’ Mr Coulton said.
‘Information about Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs and associated support services is also available on board.
‘You don’t need an appointment, and it’s free, so I encourage locals to come and use the service while it’s in town this week and next.
‘This is a great opportunity for locals to meet face-to-face with staff, who can offer friendly, tailored assistance to those who might usually have to travel long distances for this kind of service.’
For more information about the Mobile Service Centres and further stopping locations, visit
Mobile Service Centre locations:
- Boggabri Monday 1 July 9:30am to 4pm Located near the Newsagency on Merton Street.
- Pilliga Tuesday 2 July 10am to 3:30pm Located near the Community Link Centre on Dangar Street.
- Wee Waa Wednesday 3 July 9:30am to 3:00pm Located near the Library on George Street.
- Mungindi Thursday 4 July 10am to 2:30pm Located in front of the Rural Transaction Centre on St George Street.