Around 300 houses in the Coolah area are a step closer to having access to superfast broadband, with construction on the fixed wireless network in the area now underway.
The fixed wireless network will utilise advanced 4G technology to deliver speeds of up to 25 megabits per second, which will enable multiple high definition videos to be streamed at one time.
The construction shows the Coalition Government is delivering on its pledge to get the NBN rollout back on track.
Since the election, the fixed wireless network has more than doubled the number of premises it passes, with more than 89,000 homes and business in rural Australia passed by the network.
“Labor had six years in office and delivered almost nothing for telecommunications in regional areas. They promised the world to residents in my electorate, but their handling of the NBN was a slow train wreck,” Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton said.
Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the Government’s plan to deliver better broadband will mean that those in rural Australia are better off under the Coalition.
A Strategic Review conducted by the NBN Co revealed that Labor had drastically underestimated demand in rural Australia, meaning that 200,000 premises would not have been able to order a service once the networks had been built.
The Coalition will invest up to $1.2 billion more in rural Australia to ensure the satellite and fixed wireless networks are able to cope with demand.
“The rollout is happening faster than ever since the Coalition Government took office and trials have started to test other technologies which will dramatically lower the cost and time it will take to deliver fast broadband to all Australians,” Mr Turnbull said.
The Government’s changes to the NBN rollout will save $32 billion, will see upgrades delivered four years sooner than under Labor and will avoid Internet retail bills increasing by up to 80 per cent.
Suburbs and towns with the worst broadband service will get priority under NBN Co’s new rollout strategy.
The NBN will update residents in Coolah when construction has finished and services are able to be order. Check the NBN’s website for updates at or contact the NBN via phone on 1800 OUR NBN (1800 687 626).