Eleven rural communities in the Parkes electorate have access to a $15 million economic development fund for Murray-Darling Basin community projects, Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton has announced.
Mr Coulton said a second round of the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program is open to the towns of Bourke, Brewarrina, Menindee, Moree, Mungindi, Narromine, Pooncarie, Trangie, Walgett, Wee Waa and Wilcannia.
“This round will provide a much-needed boost for these towns by funding targeted, grass-roots projects,” Mr Coulton said.
“Successful projects will help to diversify the regional economy by boosting jobs and businesses in both the short and long term.
“On my travels through Western New South Wales it’s clear that there are many great projects on the ‘wish list’ for these towns.
“This program is an excellent opportunity to get these projects up and running.”
Under the first round of the program, Mr Coulton secured nearly $4.5 million in funding for community projects in Collarenebri, Warren, Nevertire and Collie, announced in April this year.
“Projects funded in my electorate under the first round are rejuvenating community infrastructure and building capacity and morale in these towns,” he said.
“This program recognises that water recovery doesn’t just affect irrigators, but it also challenges entire communities.”
Eligible organisations include local councils, indigenous corporations, cooperatives, incorporated associations and not-for-profits. Applications will close 20 January 2020.
For more information and to apply, visit the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program GrantsHub page at www.communitygrants.gov.au/grants/murray-darling-round-2
Photo Caption: Member for Parkes Mark Coulton was pleased to inform Mayor of Brewarrina Shire Council, Phillip ‘Ocker’ O’Connor, of the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program grant opportunity while in Goodooga last Friday (22 November).
Funding in the Parkes electorate under round 1 of this program included:
Warren Shire Council – $3,521,588 for urban enhancement and oval redevelopment projects to beautify urban areas and attract more businesses in Warren, Nevertire and Collie.
Walgett Shire Council – $476,000 for creating capacity, industry and connection in the Collarenebri community, by developing an overall business strategy and three business cases, and business mentoring; $488,000 for refurbishment of the Collarenebri Showground – grandstand and associated jockeys room, bar and kitchen.