Grants for local preschools, daycare
I was very pleased to drop in to Yuluwirri Kids – Coonabarabran Preschool & Long Day Care Centre last week, which received $17,925 under the Coalition Government’s Stronger Communities Programme (SCP) for a soft-fall, shade and play equipment, as well as a $40,000 grant under the Community Child Care Fund. There will be plenty to gain by making this wonderful centre a safer, more enjoyable place for all.
I also visited the Mendooran Preschool which will use a $5,552 grant, also under the SCP, to paint the preschool. The committee is planning to commence this project soon, and I can see what a wonderful difference this will make to the facility for both staff and children.
NewAccess launch and financial counselling
I attended the launch of the NewAccess program in Dubbo, which is available to people over 16 years living in the Western NSW Primary Health Network (PHN) area. NewAccess was designed to make it easier for people to get mental health support; it’s free, accessible from home, confidential and it provides practical ways for people to regain control of their mental health.
I also spent a ‘Day in the Life’ at the Salvation Army Moneycare in Dubbo. This was a valuable experience, giving me firsthand experience of the role financial counsellors play. These counsellors are a crucial source of support for many of my constituents who may face financial difficulty.
Safer Communities funding
Almost $32 million in vital funding is now available to assist organisations working with vulnerable children. Round 4 of the Safer Communities Fund will provide funding for security infrastructure and activity-based projects, with a focus on schools, community and religious organisations.
Recently I announced Bourke’s Youth Off The Streets will share in $2 million to support at-risk youth through early intervention services under this funding program. I also announced Dubbo’s PCYC will share in $1,987,634 to help at-risk youth secure employment and gain real-life skills, and I have more good news to share soon.
Applications for this round open 19 March 2019 and will be assessed progressively in the order they are received until funding is exhausted. Further details are available at
Consultation for Disability Royal Commission
The Liberal National Government has now commenced a consultation process with people with disability and their families concerning draft Terms of Reference for a Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. The Terms of Reference for a Royal Commission must clearly place people with disability at the centre. To have your say, go to Consultation will be open until 28 March 2019.
Photo Caption: Member for Parkes Mark Coulton visiting Yuluwirri Kids – Coonabarabran Preschool & Long Day Care Centre.