Support for aged care in Broken Hill
After months of uncertainty, I’m pleased that Broken Hill’s sole aged care facility Southern Cross Care is set to receive $4.4 million in Federal funding.
I’ve been in discussion with representatives from Southern Cross Care and the office of the Minister for Aged Care many times over recent months to stress the importance of this service to the people of Broken Hill.
It’s my hope that this funding will assist Southern Cross Care to become sustainable into the long-term in spite of many stressors such as the stringent staffing requirements imposed by Labor on already stretched rural services.
For more please see my Media Release:
Leesons win team of the year
A big congratulations to Jamieson and Amanda Leeson of Dunedoo, and their team-mates who were named Team of the Year at the recent Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Sport Performance Awards.
They are the first para team to win this award, and have had a very successful 2023 with many awards accumulated over the course of the last twelve months in the sport of BC3 Boccia.
Parliament is recalled
Parliament was recalled to Canberra unexpectedly last week following the sad passing of Victorian MP Peta Murphy, with condolence motions put forward from both sides of the House.
During this week there was also debate in the chamber on environmental matters, and I supported a motion from the Leader of the Nationals David Littleproud for greater safeguards around use of resources in the Great Artesian Basin.
It’s important to protect our resources, and until city-based Parliamentarians realise that regional Australia is working to feed them and keep their lights on I will continue to speak up.