Grab yourself a shopping list
After many requests I now have in stock plenty of shopping list pads which are available at my three electorate offices. These are a handy size and can live in your bag or car – hopefully they’ll help someone remember to get the milk next time they go down the street!
Dubbo – Shop 3, 153 Brisbane Street (next to the Police Station)
Moree – 69 Heber Street
Broken Hill – 275 Argent
For those who live out of town just send me your details by email and I’ll be happy to post a few to you:
Community halls
Recently I was reminded of just how important community halls are, especially for farming communities. If the nearest neighbours are a long distance away a gathering place is of special significance, as this is where decisions are made and celebrations are held. These spaces are where communities come together.
I was pleased to visit one such hall last Saturday on the Eastern side of my electorate where I attended a Long Lunch to celebrate 100 years of the Piallaway Winter Feast.
It was wonderful to catch up with locals and those with a connection to the Piallaway district in this well-loved community hall, and I know there are many such spaces right around my electorate. My thanks to those who keep events and spaces like this going, as I know just how vital they are as a focus point for the people in these communities.
Assistance for tertiary students and apprentices
With many young people in the electorate starting to think about their post-secondary school plans, I thought it was timely to highlight the financial assistance available to people who wish to explore tertiary study through university or an apprenticeship.
The costs associated with attending tertiary education in another town or city is often the biggest barrier for students from regional, rural and remote Australia. The former Coalition Government recognised this and implemented a number of improvements to eligibility criteria to ensure more students from regional Australia could access tertiary education without having to face the financial barrier.
A range of assistance is available to students including Youth Allowance for students and Australian Apprentices, Austudy, ABSTUDY, the Student Start-up Loan, the Tertiary Assistance Payment and the Relocation Scholarship. Eligibility criteria for each of these payments varies, so it is important to contact Services Australia before starting a claim.
For more information about financial assistance for tertiary students visit or call the Youth and Students line on 132 490.
Helpful information on tertiary student support can also be found at