Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton pictured during Lake Cargelligo’s Australia Day celebrations last year.
Funding for three regional airports
I’m thrilled that three regional airports in the Parkes electorate have received a combined $5.7 million to undertake important safety upgrades under Round 3 of the Australian Government’s Regional Airports Program.
Broken Hill City Council has received $4,998,048 to upgrade aircraft pavement movement areas at the Broken Hill Airport, Dubbo Regional Council was awarded $572,500 for stage 3 of a general aviation drainage upgrade at the Dubbo Regional Airport, and Narrabri Shire Council will benefit from $96,925 to install hinged poles and LED floodlights to the apron at Narrabri Airport.
This is fantastic news for each of these three councils that are committed to improving their airports to enhance future growth opportunities for their communities. Our regional airports provide a critical link to major cities and I’m proud the former Coalition Government recognised the importance of this for tourism, health and the economic development of our regional communities.
The Regional Airports Program was established by the former Coalition Government, which provided $100 million over four years from 2019-20 to 2022-23 to help owners of regional airports deliver upgrades to improve air services. For more information about the Regional Airports Program, visit:
Rebuilding our regional communities
Last week I welcomed funding for three community groups in the Parkes electorate under the FRRR’s Strengthening Rural Communities – Rebuilding Regional Communities (RRC) program.
Warren Chamber Music Festival Incorporated has been awarded $10,000 to facilitate three concert programs as part of the 2023 Warren Chamber Music Festival. Featuring a classical ensemble along with local musicians, these concerts will help to promote community cohesion and attract tourists to enhance Warren’s recovery from COVID-19.
Ozfish Unlimited Limited has also received $10,000 to improve the condition of the Coolaburragundy River at Coolah. The restoration project will bring the community together for a carp muster event, tree planting and weed control activities.
Moree Cultural Art Foundation Limited was the third recipient, securing an $8,900 grant for its Yarn Bombing Project which will see trees around Moree wrapped in brightly coloured crochet and knitted scarves to encourage community connection and boost tourism.
For more information about the RRC program, visit:
Time to reflect this Australia Day
This Australia Day I encourage people throughout the Parkes electorate to acknowledge and celebrate the positive contributions many different people have made to our country – from the Aboriginal Australians whose families have been here for thousands of years to all the people who continue to migrate from overseas.
Our history has been complex, and the birth of this nation has been a painful one for many people, which is still felt today. This day is an opportunity to reflect on our nation as a whole and how we can improve it.
In 2023 we can and should think about how we can continue to move forward both as one people and as many. We should think about our achievements, focus on our strengths, and draw upon what works to make sure every person in Australia can celebrate being part of this country, no matter their background.
I wish everyone in the Parkes electorate a happy Australia Day and thank you all for your contribution to our great country.
Last chance to apply for a commemorative grant
I’d like to remind eligible organisations in the Parkes electorate that there’s just a few weeks left to apply for funding under Batch 3 of the popular Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program, for projects that preserve our wartime heritage or highlight the sacrifice of our service men and women in wars, conflicts and peace operations.
Dozens of worthy projects across the Parkes electorate have been funded under this program in recent years and I encourage all community groups to consider whether this grant opportunity may be suitable for any projects they may wish to explore.
Applications included in Batch 3 must be submitted by 9pm AEDT on 7 February 2023. Further information is available on the Community Grants Hub or the DVA website.