Celebrating National Science Week
It is important to note the 20th anniversary of National Science Week to be held from 12 to 20 August.
The school theme for this year’s National Science Week is Future Earth. It is very fitting that students and teachers from schools across Australia are this morning presenting a national plan for sustainable development.
National Science Week provides a valuable opportunity for all Australians to meet scientists, discuss hot topics, do science and celebrate its discoveries and impact on our society.
It has become one of Australia’s biggest festivals, from the Tiwi Islands to Antarctica and from Christmas Island to Cape York, with 1.3 million people expected to participate in more than 2000 events, including hands-on and online activities and competitions.
National Science Week’s popularity over two decades underlines the crucial role that science is playing in shaping our present and future by improving our health, increasing economic productivity and helping to sustain our natural environment.
National Science Week is an opportunity for all of us to shine a light on science and celebrate our great scientists, recognize the wonderful inventions we take for granted that have immeasurably improved our lives and instil our passion for science in the next generation.
For more information visit www.scienceweek.net.au
Donating an organ can save a life
A new online registration process can assist residents of the Electorate of Parkes to sign up as organ donors in record time. A minute or two of your time could save lives and make a lifetime of difference for up to 10 people needing organ or tissue donation.
Across the nation last year, 503 deceased and 267 living donors contributed to a record 1,713 people receiving donated organs. Research shows that more than two-thirds of Australians are willing to become organ and tissue donors, but only one-third have taken the step of joining the Australian Organ Donor Register.
Jump online, type in the words ‘donatelife’ and ‘register’, and sign up using the simple, five-line form. And while you’re doing it, please share your decision with your loved ones.
Along with the new online registration form at www.donatelife.gov.au, Australians can still join the Australian Organ Donor Register online via the myGov, Medicare Express Plus and Department of Human Services websites, and by submitting printed forms.
Decisive action to cut energy costs to households and businesses
The Nationals/Liberal Government is taking immediate action to help ensure families and businesses don’t pay more for their power than they should. The Government has secured agreement from retailers on immediate measures and ongoing changes, to be backed by law, to put families and small business first.
The commitments include:
• Contacting all the customers now who are on expired discounts and telling them how much they can save on a better deal;
• Requiring companies report to the Government and ACCC what they are doing to get families on to a better deal and how many families remain on expired deals;
• Developing simple, plain English, fact sheets with understandable comparison rates;
• Supporting a change to the electricity rules requiring companies to inform customers when their discount benefits end, setting out the dollar impact of doing nothing; and
• Ensuring families and individuals on hardship programs will not lose any benefit or discount for late payment