Are you ready for the Referendum?
With the Referendum for the Voice to Parliament now confirmed for Saturday 14 October, I am encouraging all eligible residents of the Parkes electorate to ensure they are ready to vote.
Like regular elections, many residents in the Parkes electorate will use the postal voting system for the Referendum. Postal votes can be arranged directly with the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) via their website or through Postal.Vote, however physical forms will be available at my electorate offices. Please get in touch sooner rather than later if you need a physical application form sent to you. Details for my offices are listed on my website and on a flyer I recently sent to all residents, however please note a correction to my email address which should be:
If you are already registered as a general postal voter you do not need to apply for a postal vote, however all voters should check their details are up-to-date by contacting the AEC on 13 23 26 or as soon as possible.
Bungling the Basin Plan
There have been more concerning developments around the Murray Darling Basin Plan this week, with Labor introducing proposed changes to water management which would weaken their obligation to protect affected communities.
The original Basin Plan was one which aimed to both benefit the environment and protect the social and economic assets of communities along the waterways.
My fear, and the fear of many in the Basin, is that the proposed changes will damage these communities, provide questionable environmental benefits and deliver tokenistic compensation.
For more on this please read the release from myself and Senator Perin Davey:
Photo competition now open!
Each year I distribute a Christmas card and newsletter featuring a photograph which showcases the Parkes electorate on the front page. After running a very successful photo competition last year I am again calling for photographers across the region to submit their entries for this year’s competition.
This is a great opportunity for photographers young and old to receive some publicity and share their talents, with widespread exposure electorate-wide. For details on what the requirements are and how to enter the competition please check out my website:
Entries must be submitted by 5pm on Friday 29 September 2023 to be considered, and I look forward to seeing all the wonderful, iconic images which are sure to come through in this year’s competition.