Grants of between $250,000 and $4 million will help put in place new and innovative sustainable land management practices, which will protect and improve the condition of soils, vegetation and biodiversity in the Electorate of Parkes.
The National Landcare Program’s new Smart Farming Partnerships will provide the multi-year grants and the Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton has urged groups of innovative and talented organisations and individuals in the agriculture, fishing, aquaculture and farm forestry industries in the Electorate to put their heads together and apply for the $60 million Smart Farming Partnerships.
“These Smart Farming Partnerships will support the development, trialling and implementation of next generation farming, forestry and fishing practices,” Mr Coulton said.
“These partnership grants will get behind larger projects and support the formation of relevant and effective partnerships between experienced and skilled organisations and individuals.
“I know that farmers in the Electorate of Parkes are innovators, and the government is supporting that innovative thinking to help local farmers continue to farm smarter, not harder.
“I encourage interested parties to get in touch with my office to find out more about the Smart Farming Partnerships and how to apply.”
For more information on the grant and how to apply:
Fast facts
• Part of the $134 million over six years for the Smart Farm grants through the next phase of the $1 billion National Landcare Program.
• Smart Farming Partnerships are multi-year grants of between $250,000 and $4 million for groups of organisations. The round opens on 19 October and closes 21 December 2017.
• Landcare is protecting iconic places and threatened plants and animals, with more than 450 projects helping to protect these important environmental assets.