The Liberal and Nationals Government has unlocked $22.96 million in funding for the Tooraweenah Road Upgrade, bringing the project another step closer to reality.
The project is fully funded under the Government’s Roads of Strategic Importance initiative and will deliver upgrades along approximately 56.8 kilometres of Tooraweenah Road, within Coonamble Shire.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the project is expected to improve road safety, reduce road maintenance and operating costs while increasing regional connectivity and flood immunity.
“The project is part of the Australian Government’s overall $300 million commitment to the Newell Highway Roads of Strategic Importance corridor,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“This investment will improve flood resilience, safety, localised congestion and overtaking opportunities, and further demonstrates that our Government is delivering the road infrastructure upgrades locals need and deserve as part of our $110 billion infrastructure pipeline.”
Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said the Tooraweenah Road upgrade will involve widening the entire length of the road, sealing a 25.4-kilometre stretch and heavy patching and rehabilitation works on the remaining 31.4 kilometres of sealed road.
“I’m so pleased that the funds are now available so that work can get underway on this important section of road,” Mr Coulton said.
“These upgrades will improve access, reduce travel times and increase safety for all road users, ensuring motorists get to their destination sooner and safer.”
Mr Coulton said the project complements other infrastructure projects currently underway in the region.
“The Australian Government has committed about $1.55 billion towards infrastructure projects across the Parkes electorate since 2013,” Mr Coulton said.
“For example, our $60 million investment is delivering new overtaking lanes on the Newell Highway in partnership with the New South Wales Government, while a further $12.5 million federal investment is jointly funding the Pooncarie Road to Menindee upgrade.
“We’ve already delivered further Newell Highway pavement upgrades between Mungle Back Creek and Boggabilla, delivering $61.35 million to jointly fund these vital works in partnership with the New South Wales Government.
“We’ve also delivered the Parkes to Narromine section of Inland Rail, while works between Narrabri and North Star are underway and progressing well – supporting local jobs and investment stimulus.
“The Australian Government will continue to invest in and deliver the infrastructure projects that matter to locals, tourists and businesses across regional New South Wales.”
Major construction on the Tooraweenah Road Upgrade is due to start in July 2022 and is expected to be completed by May 2024.
For more information on the Roads of Strategic Importance initiative, visit