University students living in the Moree and Narrabri areas will have access to a new study hub with modern IT equipment and tutoring and mentoring services to better support them in their studies.
Minister for Education Dan Tehan and Minister for Regional Services, Decentralisation and Local Government and Member for Parkes Mark Coulton today officially opened the Country Universities Centre North West Regional Study Hub in Narrabri and Moree.
The hub offers high-speed technology and campus-like facilities, including education support and mentors, as well as a network of fellow students.
Mr Coulton said the Coalition Government’s $829,000 investment in the hub will give local students greater choice and access to opportunities.
“The cost of moving to study can be a significant burden on students and families and a barrier to going to university, so we want our children to have the opportunity to live at home and stay in their communities while still getting a tertiary education,” Mr Coulton said.
“The Regional Study Hub in Moree and Narrabri will provide study spaces, academic support, video conferencing and other support for students studying via distance at partner universities.
“There should be equality of opportunity to access higher education for every Australian, no matter where they live. By providing more higher education and training opportunities in the Parkes electorate, we can retain skills and experience that will boost our local economy and keep our communities vibrant.”
Mr Tehan said the Coalition Government is investing in regional and remote education to expand the tertiary opportunities available to students living in the regions.
“Young Australians living in regional areas are half as likely to have a university level qualification as those living in cities and our Government is addressing this inequality by improving access to higher education in areas like Moree and Narrabri,” Mr Tehan said.
“The Coalition Government has committed $39 million to establish Regional Study Hubs in over 23 locations across regional Australia so that regional students can access tertiary study without leaving their local communities.”
Those seeking study opportunities in their local regional, rural or remote areas, are encouraged to visit