Narrabri Shire Council has successfully received Federal Government funding of $127,680 to combat biosecurity and pest animal issues in the Pilliga, Gwabegar and Cuttabri districts.
“This funding will allow Narrabri Shire Council to use local contractors and suppliers to better protect the Namoi River system from biosecurity threats,” Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said.
“Council will also work to minimise the impact of pest animals on agricultural land – this can be devastating in many areas across my electorate.”
Mr Coulton said as part of the project, Council will work closely with NSW National Parks, as well as Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) to achieve better outcomes.
“Council is thrilled to receive funding to assist us in combatting biosecurity and pest animal issues in the Pilliga, Gwabegar, and Cuttabri districts,” Narrabri Shire Council Mayor Cathy Redding said.
“Even though it is dry, it is important we remain proactive about biosecurity issues. This funding will assist us in doing that, while stimulating the local economy.”
The Communities Combating Pests and Weed Impacts During Drought Program has been delivered by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.
All 18 local councils in the Parkes electorate were encouraged to apply via a competitive process to deliver projects under the Program in selected Local Government Areas (LGAs) in 2018–19. New South Wales was allocated $3 million in funding under the Program.