The Federal Government today announced that the deadline for public nominations for Round 2 of the Mobile Black Spots Programme has been extended from 31 December 2015 to 15 January 2016.
Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton welcomes the extended deadline and said his office has already received a significant number of enquiries about the nomination process.
“The new closing date will ensure that everyone has enough time to get their nominations in after the festive season,” Mr Coulton said.
“My office has already received numerous calls from individuals and organisations wanting to ensure that the Government is made aware of mobile black spots in their areas.
“I think this in itself reflects the significant demand for improved mobile coverage in rural, regional and remote Australia.”
Under Round 2 of the programme, the Government will commit $60 million to improve mobile coverage in areas reported as having poor or no mobile coverage by the community.
This is on top of the $100 million investment in Round 1, which has already seen the first of 499 new and upgraded mobile base stations in regional and remote Australia start to roll out.
A map of the regional mobile black spot locations and locations which will receive mobile base stations under Round 1 is available at
Nominations for Round 2 of the Black Spot Mobile Programme can be made online at