A project that will upgrade infrastructure at two Broken Hill sporting ovals has received the green light under the Coalition Government’s Drought Communities Programme (DCP) – Extension.
Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said he was pleased $1 million in funding had been allocated to Broken Hill City Council to upgrade lighting at both Alma Oval and Norm Fox Soccer Oval.
“The Coalition Government committed to delivering an additional $1 million each to every council in my electorate, including Broken Hill City Council, under the DCP – Extension, so that we can get cracking on important local projects to stimulate community spending and support jobs,” Mr Coulton said.
“These grants are providing a critical cash injection at a time when drought has had an enduring impact on community morale and the local economy right across my electorate.
“We’re also dealing with the many challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we’re working to ensure our communities are supported through the difficult times.
“I’m very pleased that the Broken Hill City Council can now invest in this exciting infrastructure upgrade, and I look forward to seeing the great difference it will make once complete.”
The installation of new and upgraded lighting at Alma Oval and Norm Fox Soccer Oval will comprise:
• supply and installation of 200A three-phase supply including upgrades to earth and consumer mains;
• supply and installation of four new lighting columns including new underground supplies;
• supply and installation of 40 Philips OptiVision LED gen2 floodlights;
• supply and installation of four lockable control cubicles to house switching equipment and LED drivers at each lighting column;
• craneage, excavation, elevated work platforms, and equipment;
• removal and transportation of existing poles and floodlights to storage;
• testing, commissioning of all floodlights including lux level plotting and testing for spill lighting in nearby areas; and
• provision of all test results, certificates of compliance and operational and warranty information.
Mayor of Broken Hill City Council Darriea Turley said Council was very pleased with the grant.
“We’re very grateful for this funding. The intense heat that accompanied the drought has posed major problems for sport in Broken Hill and caused the cancellation of numerous matches,” Cr Turley said.
“This lighting will allow a number of sports to be played at night, providing welcome relief from extreme heat and greatly increasing participation in the community.
“This project will be welcomed by local families and represents a great health outcome for Broken Hill.”
The DCP – Extension is targeted at projects that stimulate local community spending by using local resources, businesses, suppliers and workers, or provide long-lasting benefits for communities and agricultural industries.
For more information, visit www.business.gov.au/Grants-and-Programs/Drought-Communities-Programme-Extension
• To date, $2 million in DCP – Extension funding has been made available to Broken Hill City Council for local projects.
• DCP – Extension funding is intended to provide short-term support, including by boosting local employment and procurement, and addressing social and community needs.
• DCP – Extension funding is available to eligible councils for local infrastructure projects and other drought-relief activities. All 18 councils in the Parkes electorate, as well as the Unincorporated Far West NSW region, are eligible under the program.