Community groups in the Parkes electorate can now apply for up to $450,000 in Federal Government grants for initiatives that encourage more Australians to say “yes” to organ and tissue donation.
Federal Member for Parkes and Regional Health Minister Mark Coulton said the Community Awareness Grants offer unique opportunities for local groups to help improve the chances of Australians receiving the organ or tissue they need.
“We know community groups and local businesses often have great ideas but do not have the resources to bring their ideas to life – these grants help support those ideas,” Mr Coulton said.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on Australia’s national organ donation program, so it is critical that we engage with community groups in 2021 to raise awareness about organ and tissue donation. One day it might be you, or a family member that needs a transplant.
“The easiest way to increase donation outcomes is to raise consent rates, meaning more people say “yes” to donation.”
As the Minister responsible for the Organ and Tissue Authority, Mr Coulton strongly encourages community groups, local businesses and not-for-profit organisations in the Parkes electorate to apply for a grant to help drive community awareness about the importance of donation, family discussion and increasing the number of registrations on the Australian Organ Donor Register.
“I encourage all groups across the Parkes electorate to consider how they could partner with DonateLife to help increase organ and tissue donation,” Mr Coulton said.
The 2021 Community Awareness Grants are provided by the Organ and Tissue Authority as part of its national Community Awareness and Education Program.
Applications for these grant opportunities are now open and close at 5pm AEDT on Sunday 7 March 2021.
For more information about the Community Awareness Grants, including the assessment criteria and the application process, visit
Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes and Minister responsible for the Organ and Tissue Authority, Mark Coulton pictured during the 2020 Gift of Life Walk with Gift of Life president David O’Leary and DonateLife CEO Cindy Barry.