Residents of the Warrumbungle Shire will soon be better connected, with the Federal Government funding a $56,930 project that will install free WiFi in all towns in the shire.
The project is one of six which have been funded with $941,930 under the Coalition’s Drought Communities Programme (DCP).
Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said he is delighted to share the news.
“I am pleased Warrumbungle Shire Council has the tick of approval to deliver another great local project,” Mr Coulton said.
“This is a project Council has put forward, which involves installing WiFi in Baradine, Binnaway, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Dunedoo and Mendooran, and I look forward to seeing works evolve.”
Project approvals for Council under the DCP (announced in February) include:
• $420,000 for Drought Communities Employment and Infrastructure Program – providing employment opportunities and upgrading community infrastructure
• $160,000 for construction of feral animal exclusion fences – Baradine and Coonabarabran aerodromes
• $125,000 for construction of banner poles in three Warrumbungle Shire towns
• $100,000 for upgrading community facilities – Binnaway and Dunedoo swimming pools
• $80,000 for construction of a bore at Coonabarabran Showground
The DCP was extended last year to provide support of $1 million each to all 18 councils in the Parkes electorate including Warrumbungle, as well as the Unincorporated Area.
The DCP – Extension is targeted at projects that stimulate local community spending by using local resources, businesses, suppliers and workers, or provide long-lasting benefits for communities and agricultural industries.
Project funding is intended to provide short-term support, including by boosting local employment and procurement, and addressing social and community needs. For details on the DCP – Extension see
Further updates on other successful council projects in the Parkes electorate will be made in the near future.