Photo Caption: Moree Plains Shire Council Mayor Katrina Humphries and Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton, pictured in Moree recently – an additional $1 million in funds under the Drought Communities Programme (DCP) – Extension will allow Moree Plains Shire Council to get a range of local infrastructure projects underway.
Upgrades to a sporting precinct and community halls in the Moree Plains Shire are among the local projects to be funded with another $1 million investment under the Federal Government’s Drought Communities Programme (DCP) – Extension.
Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said he was thrilled the additional funds would allow Moree Plains Shire Council to get cracking on a range of important projects across the Shire.
The news follows Mr Coulton’s recent announcement that Council would receive a grant of $515,468 to develop a business incubator and co-working space under the Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program.
“The Coalition Government committed to delivering an additional $1 million to every council in my electorate, including Moree Plains, under the DCP – Extension, to stimulate community spending and support jobs,” Mr Coulton said.
“These grants are providing a vital cash injection at a time when drought has had a major impact on community morale and the local economy right across my electorate.
“We’re also dealing with the many challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we’re working to ensure our communities are supported through the difficult times.
“I’m very pleased that Moree Plains Shire Council can now invest in these exciting projects, including upgrades to local community halls, constructing new shared pathways and providing additional lighting at Moree’s Ron Harborne sporting precinct.
“I know that these community-based enhancements will make a positive difference right across the Shire.”
The projects are focused on creating accessible, functional and high-quality community facilities and comprise of:
• Roof upgrades at Mungindi Hall;
• Upgrades at Pallamallawa War Memorial Hall including construction of new ramps, concrete pathways and toilet facilities, and installation of a new aerated wastewater treatment system;
• Replacement of toilet facilities at Weemelah Hall with a new accessible toilet facility and baby change room, and construction of a pathway between toilet block and hall;
• Upgrades to Moree War Memorial Hall mezzanine seating area, including removal of existing non-compliant seating and tiered structure, construction of a new tiered base and stairway, and installation of carpet and new theatre-style seating;
• Construction of a new shared pathway linking south Moree with local retail precincts along Amaroo Drive and Boston Street, Moree;
• Installation of new lighting poles at the netball courts and hockey fields at the Ron Harborne sporting precinct; and
• Development of an Adverse Events Plan.
Moree Plains Shire Council Mayor Katrina Humphries said she was overjoyed to learn of Council’s successful funding application.
“I am so pleased that this funding is going to inject some much-needed love into some of our community halls, with the rejuvenation of halls across the Shire in Moree, Mungindi, Pallamallawa and Weemelah being an initial priority,” Cr Humphries said.
“Community halls are the social hubs of small rural communities where celebrations, events, meetings and even playgroups are held; it is important that these facilities are upgraded to be accessible and functional.
“We have also earmarked funds to continue to build on the connectivity of Moree’s shared pathways, directing foot traffic towards retail areas within Moree.
“With the Ron Harborne sporting precinct being a much loved sportsground used by soccer, cricket and netball teams all year round, additional lighting will mean these teams can continue training throughout winter and also invite teams from surrounding areas to play matches at twilight and night during summer seasons.”
Cr Humphries said that where possible, local contractors would be used to deliver works to further simulate the local economy.
The DCP – Extension is targeted at projects that stimulate community spending by using local resources, businesses, suppliers and workers, or provide long-lasting benefits for communities and agricultural industries.
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• To date, $2 million in DCP – Extension funding has been made available to Moree Plains Shire Council for local projects.
• DCP – Extension funding is intended to provide short-term support, including by boosting local employment and procurement, and addressing social and community needs.
• DCP – Extension funding is available to eligible councils for local infrastructure projects and other drought-relief activities. All 18 councils in the Parkes electorate, as well as the Unincorporated Far West NSW region, are eligible under the program.