Seniors in the Parkes electorate will continue to have free access to computers and internet training to ensure they are not left behind in the digital age, thanks to a $1.3 million Abbott Government investment. The Abbott Government has invested $1.3 million to assist more than 97,000 older Australians continue building their digital skills under the Broadband for seniors programme. Federal Member Mark Coulton said that older people in Parkes would be able to learn important online skills including how to send emails, be cyber safe and use social media to stay in touch with friends and family. “Everyone should have the opportunity to build confidence and skills using the computer and the internet,” Mr Coulton said. “This funding demonstrates the Government’s commitment to ensuring older people in Parkes don’t get left behind in the digital age,” Mr Coulton said. Mr Coulton said there were around 1600 Broadband for seniors’ kiosks across Australia, set up in facilities such as community centres, libraries, clubs and aged care homes. “Volunteer tutors provide one-on-one or small group training covering topics such as how to send emails, be cyber safe and use social media in a supportive and welcoming environment,” Mr Coulton said. “Broadband for seniors provides support to help older Australians feel confident using technology.” Broadband for Seniors Kiosks in Parkes will continue to have access to training tools and resources to support their volunteer tutors to provide one-on-one or small group training for seniors. There is Broadband for Seniors kiosks in the following locations: Baiyai Community Links Wellington, Baradine Rural Transaction Centre, Bogan Shire Library, Bourke Men’s Shed Inc. Calara House Hostel, Community Library, Cooinda Coonabarabran Ltd, Dubbo Gardens, Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre, Gulgong Men’s Shed Inc. Gwydir HACC Services Inc. Gwydir Shire Council, Kanandah Retirement Ltd., Lachlan Shire Council, Lightning Ridge Men’s Shed Inc., Lower Lachlan Community Services Inc. Lake Cargelligo, Maranatha House Limited, Mungindi Community Library, Mungindi Progress Association Inc., Narrabri Community College, Narrabri Community Skills Project Inc., Northern Area Office Boggabilla, The (Men’s) Shed Coonabarabran Inc., Timbrebongie House Inc., Tottenham Men’s Shed Inc., Warraymali Community Links Coonabarabran, Wee Waa Community Care Service Inc., Western District Supported Employment Services Inc.
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