ALMOST 1,700 participants have benefitted by taking part in 239 activities in the Nationals-Liberal Government’s Work for the Dole programme across the Electorate of Parkes.
The Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, said Work for the Dole is a vital part of the Coalition Government’s commitment to creating jobs for Australians. It is this commitment, which has contributed to 2017 being the best year for jobs growth ever with over 400,000 jobs being created.
He said the majority of participants have reported that Work for the Dole improves their self-confidence, work-related skills and ability to work with others, as well as providing an opportunity to contribute to the local community.
In the Electorate of Parkes, 1,691 people have participated in Work for the Dole since the 2016 election.
Mr Coulton said Work for the Dole is a win-win program that gives participants a chance to gain valuable skills, experience and employment contacts.
“Local communities like ours benefit from projects completed by Work for the Dole participants.
“The program is having a positive impact and 30 per cent of jobseekers who complete Work for the Dole are in a job three months after completing their placement.
“The Coalition is committed to getting people off welfare and into work. Work for the Dole ensures taxpayers are not subsidising a lifetime of welfare but are instead preparing people to get, and stay in, a job.”
For more information about Work for the Dole go to