Five roadside rest areas across the Parkes electorate will be upgraded to help combat driver fatigue and make local roads safer, thanks to funding under the Liberal and Nationals Government’s Driver Reviver Site Upgrade Program.
Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton said there is nothing more important than saving lives, which is what this funding is all about.
“I am pleased to announce a total of $487,829 in federal funding will upgrade five sites in the Parkes electorate, at Trangie, Coolah, Mendooran, Coonabarabran and Narromine, delivering additional toilet facilities, shelter and site upgrades and new signage,” Mr Coulton said.
“Anyone who has used a Driver Reviver site here in the Parkes electorate or elsewhere across the country knows how vital a place they are for safety and fatigue breaks for drivers and their passengers, and we want to ensure they continue to be that reliable break spot for even more Australians well into the future.
“That is why our Government is investing in these vital Driver Reviver upgrades that will help keep people safe on our roads.
“This funding will also support our hard-working local volunteers who put in their time and effort to man our Driver Reviver sites, offering motorists a cuppa, friendly conversations and a nice spot to take a break to manage fatigue and reduce the risk of crashes.”
In total, the Federal Government is providing $7.2 million to upgrade 71 sites across the country.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the upgrades will help ensure motorists and their passengers can relax and revive in comfort.
“One accident, one injury, one death is one too many and no family should have to endure the loss of a loved one on our roads,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“Driver Reviver sites provide a place for safety and fatigue breaks for drivers and their passengers. The upgrades we are funding are aimed at making rest sites more welcoming and comfortable for drivers, to help them overcome driver fatigue and ensure they reach their destination safely.”
Assistant Minister for Road Safety and Freight Transport Scott Buchholz said the program is part of the Government’s record investment in life-saving road safety initiatives.
“Road safety is everyone’s responsibility and our Government is doing what it can to ensure Australia moves towards ‘Vision Zero’ of zero deaths on our nation’s roads,” Mr Buchholz said.
“Initiatives such as the Driver Reviver program showcase what governments and communities can achieve when working together, as well as of course the role road users can play to ensure we all get home safely at the end of each trip.
“Our investments include the $3 billion Road Safety Program, $500 million Targeted Road Safety Works initiative and further funding for innovative road safety technologies and education campaigns.”
The Australian Government is working closely with states, territories and local governments to develop the National Road Safety Strategy 2021–30 to move towards zero fatalities and serious injuries on our roads.
More information on the Australian Government’s road safety initiatives is available at
Parkes electorate projects:
Organisation | Project | Location | Funding |
Trangie Local Aboriginal Land Council | Additional toilet facilities | Trangie Wungunja Cultural Centre | $130,014.00 |
Transport NSW | Mass action – Driver Reviver Sign upgrade | Coolah | $82,100.00 |
Transport NSW | Mass action – Driver Reviver Sign upgrade | Mendooran | $82,100.00 |
Transport NSW | Mass action – Driver Reviver Sign upgrade | 9441 Newell Highway, Coonabarabran NSW 2357 | $42,050.00 |
Warrumbungle Shire Council | Driver Reviver Community Shelter Upgrade | 9441 Newell Highway, Coonabarabran NSW 2357 | $103,380.00 |
Narromine Shire Council | Narromine Saleyards Driver Reviver Site Upgrade | Narromine Saleyards Driver Reviver Site, 81-101 Manildra St, Narromine NSW | $48,185.10 |
Photo caption: Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton, pictured at the Narrabri Driver Reviver site last year, is pleased to announce five more Driver Reviver sites in the Parkes electorate will be upgraded thanks to a total of $487, 829 in Federal Government funding.