Future of CUCs secured
Wonderful news this week that the Coalition Government will provide the Country Universities Centre (CUC) Far West and CUC North West with a further four years of funding.
Both centres in the Parkes electorate have been a success since they were established, with hundreds of students in Broken Hill, Narrabri and Moree taking the opportunity to further their education, without having to leave their towns, friends and families.
This funding will allow the CUCs to continue to offer our students the opportunity to study while remaining at home, where their skills can boost their local communities and economies.
With the Broken Hill, Narrabri and Moree regions expected to experience significant growth over the coming years as a result of new industries and the Inland Rail, it’s vital that local people have the opportunity to gain the skills needed to take advantage of these opportunities. The CUCs are playing an important role in upskilling locals, many of whom are working and raising families and would not otherwise be able to undertake tertiary education.
Capital grants funding for three local schools
Three schools in the Parkes electorate have received funding to build new classrooms and facilities under the Coalition Government’s Capital Grants Program:
Carinya Christian School in Gunnedah has received $800,000 for the construction of a new library, meeting room, offices, a reception area, a uniform shop, a staff room and staff amenities.
Macquarie Anglican Grammar School in Dubbo will benefit from $800,000 for the construction of four classrooms, a central learning area, student amenities, a staff room and a covered verandah.
Namoi Valley Christian School in Wee Waa has been awarded $400,000 for the construction of a general learning area, food technology room, science laboratory, server room and amenities, forming the first stage of the school’s building master plan in the development of a year 7 to 10 campus.
Students and teachers thrive when their schools have modern and up-to-date facilities, and I look forward to seeing these projects come to life.
Supporting sporting events in our regions
Five councils in the Parkes electorate have received funding to host regional sporting events under the Coalition Government’s Regional Sport Events Fund.
Last month, Narromine Shire Council received $6,500 to host the NSW State Aerobatic Championships which were meant to be held on May 12 to 15 but have been postponed due to rain.
This week, four more councils have received funding. Walgett Shire Council has received $10,000 to host the Walgett Spring Golf Challenge in November, Warren Shire Council has received $10,000 to host the Warren Pony Club One Day Event Clinic and Competition in September, Gilgandra Shire Council has received $10,000 to host the Gilgandra Windmill Triples Bowls in September, and Dubbo Shire Council has received $7,600 to host the NSW Junior Rugby U13 Championships in June.
Each of these events will bring the communities together, attract visitors and stimulate the local economy after a challenging few years.
Strengthening local community groups
I’m so pleased to see 16 deserving community groups across the Parkes electorate receive funding to purchase new equipment or undertake small-scale upgrades under the latest round of the Coalition Government’s Stronger Communities Programme (SCP).
The Stronger Communities Programme is such a valuable source of funding for local community organisations which often need a helping hand to achieve big things.
Among the grants provided in Round 7 is $22,000 for a kitchen upgrade at the 3rd Broken Hill Sea Scouts hall, $14,000 for Trangie Central School P and C Association to construct a shelter, $6,000 for a new printer for Moree and District Historical Society and $4,395 for Nyngan Rugby Union Club to purchase new goal posts and pads.
A full list of recipients is available on my website: https://www.markcoulton.com.au/grants-to-strengthen-communities-throughout-the-parkes-electorate/