Stay Smart Online Week
Stay Smart Online Week, from 9-13 October, is a national awareness raising initiative to encourage Australians to be more proactive about their cyber security.
Cybercrime is estimated to cost the Australian economy more than $1 billion a year, and around 43 per cent of cybercrimes are targeted at small businesses.
The Australian Government’s cyber security experts recommend focusing on five key areas of online safety: the privacy of your personal information, strong passwords, software updates, backing up your important data and avoiding online scams.
The Coalition Government has launched a new International Cyber Engagement Strategy outlining our cyber affairs agenda for the next three years. We’re working to create the environment for digital trade to generate economic growth and opportunities for Australia and Australians.
The International Engagement Strategy on Cyber Security is a key part of the Government's $230 million Cyber Security Strategy. The Government will allocate $10 million to the Cyber Cooperation Program to support implementation of the Strategy, with a particular focus on the Indo-Pacific region. This is in addition to the $4 million provided last year.
Sustainable Diversion Limit – Announcement of Proposed Adjustment
The Murray-Darling Basin Authority has released its proposed adjustment to sustainable diversion limits (SDL) in the Murray-Darling Basin under the Basin Plan’s SDL Adjustment Mechanism.
The MDBA assessed a package of projects that were endorsed by the Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council on 16 June 2017. The MDBA has determined that the package of supply measures would, if implemented, allow water for the environment to be more effectively managed whilst still meeting the environmental objectives of the Basin Plan, enabling an SDL adjustment of 605 GL in the southern Basin (the supply outcome only relates to the southern Basin).
The 605 GL adjustment, if adopted and implemented, would effectively mean that no further water recovery is required in the southern Basin under the Basin Plan. This is based on the delivery of the proposed package of supply measures and delivery of contracted water recoveries – including recoveries from state projects.
The proposed adjustment to Basin Plan SDLs is being released for a 30- day public comment period. Once completed, the MDBA will assess comments ahead of a Final Determination under the SDL Adjustment Mechanism which must be provided to the Commonwealth water minister by 15 December 2017.
Additional detail on the proposed adjustment, including proposed adjustments in individual catchments, and the package of measures can be found at
Indigenous businesses are going from strength to strength
The second year results of the Coalition Government’s highly successful Indigenous Procurement Policy (IPP) have been released. Within the first two years of the IPP, we have already exceeded the 2020 target of awarding three per cent of all government contracts to Indigenous businesses annually – targets which were once thought impossible – and I’m proud that under the Coalition we are seeing seven per cent of all government contracts go to First Australian businesses.
Only four years ago Indigenous businesses were awarded just $6.2 million in Australian Government contracts. Since this program commenced, 956 Indigenous businesses have won over $594 million in government contracts. A 95-fold increase is a success story in anyone’s book.
The IPP has allowed the Australian Government to tap into the extraordinary capabilities of the Indigenous business sector. The second year results show that there is no such thing as a typical Indigenous business. Indigenous businesses have demonstrated their capability to deliver advanced technology, legal services, construction, engineering and facilities management. Contracts have been won by businesses from across the country.